Today, we went to pick up the permits so that we can start transforming the building into the NEW Studio Movie Grill in the Zona Rosa outdoor mall. We enjoyed our drive. I can definitely say we aren't in the south anymore. The leaves look so brilliant with their leaves of many colors. The rolling hills are beautiful. We are enjoying what we see so far. We pulled up to City Hall with the help of Garmin. However, parking was about three city blocks away. So we walked back to City Hall. We couldn't both enter as Woody had a work knife with him. So I had to wait outside on the steps with the knife. After a brief wait, Woody returned without the permits. He was informed the construction permitting office had moved down the block and across the street. So we walked on another block and crossed the street to the new location. We were able to pick up the permits. Meanwhile, I was able to get some pictures of Municipal offices. We also saw the Federal Homeland Security building. So we are official now. Work can begin immediately.