Current Project is Olive Garden in Amarillo, TX

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Olive Garden

Tuesday, February 26, 2008

Day 56/71/86 was WINDY!

Picture facing Southeast at the end of the day. Yes, that's Woody's shadow.

Woody had the silt fence moved on the south side further south. Michael came by to check the site and meet with Rick. Sunbelt delivered the generator. This gave us the opporturnity to meet with the utility contractor and make arrangements regarding the utilities. As far as the piers go the work has been postponed to tomorrow. Woody was really anxious to start, but the drill truck broke down en route to the site. They promised to send out two drill trucks tomorrow to get back on schedule. Terracon passed us on the compaction of the pad! We will have them back out tomorrow to inspect the piers. Lab testing is just one of many things Parkway does to offer our customer a quality service. The wind today was brutal to say the least....I thing we had 40mph winds...and it was cold in the wind...not to mention the job trailer door kept trying to blow off the hinges. We'll hope for better weather tomorrow.