Cliff Hudson, Project Manager, came down to check the progress of the job site today. He met there with John Kostel. Overall, our Project Manger was pleased with the progress of the work. As is common of all Parkway PMs, his focus and concern were quality. It isn't enough at Parkway to get the job done. They foster in their employees the determination to focus on meeting their schedules and providing the customer with a QUALITY building. As we begin the last couple of weeks of this project, it becomes important to do quality checks more frequently and thoroughly. The electricians worked on kitchen equipment today. The plumbers started up the water heater. Ceiling tiling was completed, as well as painting in the lobby. The HVAC mechanics started up the AC & heat. They also installed stainless steel. The much needed rain has finally arrived. That is of no help to our project, but we know the people out in this part of Texas really needed it. The stone work scheduled to be finished today will have to wait a few days.