Current Project is Olive Garden in Amarillo, TX

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Olive Garden

Tuesday, April 15, 2008

McDonald's Site Inspection DAY!

Today Michael Sawyers, Project Manager, and Rick Mathews, McDonald's Regional Construction Manager, both came to the project site for an inspection. It's always a pleasure to have any of the McDonald's reps or Parkway reps come to the job. As we get closer to finishing we'll have more and more visitors and site inspections. Overall, Woody believed that they were pleased with the progress and we are still operating on schedule! WHEW!!! Actual onsite work today included having the hvac units properly placed and secured now that they are on the roof. The electricians not only worked on overhead lighting, but also worked on conduit in the drive thru on the west side of the lot. Plumbers worked on gas lines and the interior framing crew worked on hanging sheetrock! That is exciting because the sheetrock really gives a more defined view to the different areas of the building. The sand was delivered for the brick layers. While the crews are working on constructing the interior, we're going to concentrate our efforts on cleaning up the exterior. Tomorrow we'll be able to put our McDonald's banner back up after the winds blew it over last week.