Current Project is Olive Garden in Amarillo, TX

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Olive Garden

Monday, April 28, 2008

Overall Work Progress on McDonald's Construction

In the days that the masons have been here, their work has been excellent. Their work is the most visible to the general public driving by. Although I've featured pictures of their work often, I've not mentioned the crew much. Those are usually the best crews...the ones that we forget to say much about. Reason being that they are out on those scaffolds working and just don't get involved with anything else going on in or around the building. They have steadily worked with very limited delays. Again, we can't stress the importance of having a Project Manager (Michael Sawyers) that contracts quality subcontractors that will result in giving us the tools we need to achieve PROJECT EXCELLENCE! Inside the building today, the tile work continued, the electricians continue to pull wire & have started digging the well lights, and the hvac crew started installing vents in the front part of the building.