Current Project is Olive Garden in Amarillo, TX

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Olive Garden

Thursday, May 15, 2008

McDonald's Kitchen, Decor continues

Today the mechanical crew came to work on setting thermostats, grills & filters. The roofers installed the coping cap on roof. The tile crew is tiling the cooler area. The storage room at trash enclosure was framed today. Woody continues to work on leveling ground before the landscaper starts. It's been a very intense day, Vaughan, one of Parkway's owners, and Ted Young, our Sr Project Manager were both onsite today. They came to meet with the electricians. Of course, they are also inspecting the site for progress. Ted provided us with an extensive evaluation. We've been working with McDonald's contractors to complete kitchen equipment & decor installation. Meanwhile, we continue to await a response from McDonald's on the installation of the play stations. The backsplash arrived for the sink areas. The painters are finishing the touchups inside before beginning the storage room & trash enclosure. The concrete crew came in to pour the first part of the drive thru concrete. In the midst of all this work, we had a visit from Julie, Vincent, Rick, and two other McDonald's Directors.