Current Project is Olive Garden in Amarillo, TX

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Olive Garden

Tuesday, September 9, 2008

Rain off and on all Day

The crews tried to work through most of the day. The plumbers came in early but left in the early afternoon when the rain continued. The utility contractor cam in mid morning but hung in through the afteroon despite the rain. The concrete company worked on the forms in the NW lot for a while but decided to call it a rain day and used the time to go get materials. At the end of the work day yesterday the plumbers received another piece of equipment, but it's just not equipped to handle the rock density in the pad. The subs & Woody are making calls to rental companies looking for a rocksaw. The PM and ACM have both stressed that the pace has got to move along much faster. Woody has conveyed this message continuously to the crews, but nobody likes working in the rain. We continue to work with a vision of the finished product turning over on time. So although this is another delay (or should I say a continued delay?), we still remain positive that this project will turn over on time and meet all the quality and service excellence milestones. The picture on the left is a piece of equipment run by remote rolling an area of the lot, it is followed by the crew member operating the remote control.