Current Project is Olive Garden in Amarillo, TX

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Olive Garden

Monday, September 15, 2008

This Week's Goal: Pour Building Slab

The focus this week will be to get all the underground utility work done in the building pad, get the pad treated for termites, finish all forms, steel, and anchor bolts, cover up with moisture barrier, complete inspections, and pour the slab. The question is: Are we far along enough this Monday morning to make this happen on Friday? Answer: It's irrelevant as to whether or not we are far along enough on Monday morning. Solution: Schedule crews throughout the week to make it happen. Today the utility contractor worked on the storm water pipe. The electricians were able to use the rocksaw to continue trench work. The concrete crews began setting forms & cleaning out trenches. Termite treatment has been scheduled. After meeting with Stephen, the foreman for the concrete crews, Woody is comfortable that this goal will be met. Stephen is aware of the expectation. The electrical crews and plumbing crews are also on board with this week's schedule. The only snag of the day came at the end of the day: the utility contractor cut into the Atmos gas line. Atmos came out immediately and handled the situation.