Current Project is Olive Garden in Amarillo, TX

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Olive Garden

Thursday, June 5, 2008

On the Road in the RV...

The thing is we can't take it all with us. Let's see we have things in storage at my mom's and things in storage at hid Dad's. And now we have storage in Dallas. I must say though we've been unable to add much to our collection of STUFF...we've been working too many hours and too many weekends to go out shopping. Yet, somehow in less than a year we've accumulated enough things to fill this storage unit. Unbelievable. We have been able to spend today working from home on reports, and forms needed for the next job. Woody has spent a lot of time packing and boxing things we won't need in Wichita Falls. Since this is a temporary project that is about 6 weeks from completion, we won't be gone long. The superintendent at Wichita Falls sounds very excited to have us come join him and help him. It's always great to be able to work with fellow Parkway people on a project, especially when they are so welcoming. See you soon, Pete!