Current Project is Olive Garden in Amarillo, TX

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Olive Garden

Monday, June 30, 2008

Interesting Side Note:

When we left Irving, TX for Marietta, OK, we placed a large amount of our "work" items in storage. This gave me room in the RV to pack items in places I don't normally get to use for storage. The first week in Marietta, I unpacked only the items we would need for 2 or 3 weeks. Now that we are at our new location I unpacked a few more items so that we could be fully setup for the July 4th weekend. Inside one of the cabinets I found a plastic kitchen trash bag, I pulled it out, opened it and found this plant inside. It had been there since we left Irving! No light, no water!!! Now it was almost dead when I placed it there. I forgot all about it. Good thing too because now it's wasn't before. And it's grown a good 1.5 inches!